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By: Juanita Cortes 10A

Crissol. You surely have heard that word before, and unless you have lived the experience yourself, you don't really know what it means. For obvious reasons, I will not give a definition, but I will say that this year that I finally went, Crissol became one of the best decisions I have ever made in my entire life.

Crissol is a one in a lifetime unmissable experience, and I can guarantee you that if you go, you will not regret it. Throughout our life in this school, everybody has told us that one of the most important traits a Pacha must have is leadership. Since we were in pre-kinder, we have been learning different skills in order to be a good leader, and although we have a strong basis to be one, we need a match to light up our inner fire, and for me, Crissol was that.

Throughout all the different activities in which I participated while being there, I gained confidence, self-control, and many other important aspects anyone should have in their life. I also learned that I am special and that even when I feel lonely, there are plenty of people that love me and that will be there to support me. In Crissol, I created a truly special bond with a lot of people, actually, I believe that this is one of the most important and beautiful aspects of this experience. I am sure that the friendships I created there are friendships that will last my entire life because they were created in the purest environment ever,


in which no one was faking anything, or pretending to be someone they are not; in Crissol, everyone was free to be their true self, without anyone judging them.

     There is no way I can express in words everything Crissol did in me, it was one of the best experiences ever, and even though a month has passed, all its effects are still present in my life. With Crissol, I gained all the confidence I needed to stand up for my beliefs and to make the world hear what I have to say. Crissol made me a better person, it helped me take the worst parts of me and turn them into a masterpiece, it helped me find the best version of myself. If you have the opportunity to participate in it, don't think it twice because as I said before, it is an experience that you will never regret.

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